The people that keep the ship afloat.
Rekerdres & Sons put “reliable, efficient, and knowledgeable” at the forefront of everything we do. Experts at identifying risks and settling gray area claims, we utilize decades of experience and trend-setting innovation to protect you from potential exposures.
Meet the team below, or get in touch with us here.
Brett Anderhub
Adam Rekerdres
Sr. Vice President
Melissa Laurel
Vice President
Christina Dammen
Asst. Vice President
Bill Dwyer
Australia Manager
Tristan Hixon
Claims Manager
Sarah Kweon
Account Executive
Mary Kate Elfelt
Account Executive
Edward Henley
Account Executive
Victoria Boyer
Account Executive
Theodore Schwalm
IT Manager
The Reksons team travels extensively both domestically and abroad in order to meet our clients’ diverse needs. Be it a Cotton Convention in Lubbock or a facility inspection in New Guinea, we travel to every corner of the globe to provide outstanding customer service.
Though much has changed in the world of soft commodities since the merchants of old, and even since the 50’s, the way Rekerdres & Sons started doing things remains the same: to be the most reliable, efficient, and knowledgeable marine cargo insurer out there. From our strong roots in the cotton industry at the Dallas Cotton Exchange building, to our noteworthy accomplishments in coffee and cocoa, we are…
reliable - efficient - knowledgable
After travelling globally for the cotton industry, he saw that... Originally in the cotton industryHe had been around the world and knew a lot of people, and as Texas was just coming on as a huge, fairly new market only a jump away from Mexico and Latin America, it just made sense to move to insurance.
As a way to encourage his three sons to join, Charles renames the company "Rekerdres & Sons Insurance Agency, Inc."- without any of them even signing on yet.
1989 & 1997
In 1997, Reksons wins the E-Star Award, the top achievement honor in exporting from the US Department of Commerce, and an even bigger accomplishment.
Through a two-year loss ratio study, Rekerdres found that careful producers who focused on sustainable environmental and management practices thrived better in the long run. As these sustainable practices also assist in loss prevention, Reksons and its underwriters reward those who actively participate in improving sustainability.
First Green Dividend delivering in the Ivory Coast.
This is the international standard used by organizations to indicate their ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements, and all certified businesses must undergo rigorous annual verifications.